Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Review of The Science of Yoga

Here is a link to my review of William Broad's The Science of Yoga:

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Radio interview on The Art of Flourishing

Here is a link to an interview on The Art of Flourishing with Dr. Michael Finkelstein on

Scandals in the Yoga World

In the face of the recent round of scandals in the yoga community it is tempting to rationalize and deny what happened or vilify those involved. One of the important-- and neglected--aspects of the yogic eight limbed path is self-study (svadhyaya). Members of the yoga world would do best to explore the scandals with a spirit of curiosity about what they can learn.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Meditation and Psychoanalysis

The all-day workshop on meditation and psychoanalysis in Tucson, Arizona on March 3rd went extremely well. The audience-comprised of psychotherapists and meditators, yoga teachers and lay people-was very excited about the possibilities of cross-pollination.

Yoga and Psychoanalysis

The workshop on yoga and psychoanalysis in Tucson, Arizona on Thursday went wonderfully and the audience was very excited about the potential of each to enrich the other. I also enjoyed meeting and speaking with Frank Jude Boccio, author of Mindfulness Yoga.