Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Passion and Flourishing

When we take the risk and pursue something that intrigues us or we are passionate about our lives feel more alive. See if you can start writing or learning a new language or walking or meditating or cooking or whatever it is that you once loved or hope to explore now. And let us know what happens when you do.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Couples Flourishing

It is crucial for couples to create their own balance between devotion to the relationship and taking care of themselves. Otherwise, the relationship becomes a breeding ground for deprivation and resentment.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Building In What Helps Us Flourish

As we start a new day in our lives this fall morning ask ourselves: What do I need to flourish -- friendship, more compassion toward myself and other people, an appreciation of the beauty in the world and so forth -- and can we build that into our lives rather than fit it in? Experiment with that and let me know what happens...

Friday, September 16, 2011

Talk and Book Signing at New York Insight

Hope to see some of you at a talk and book signing on The Art of Flourishing tonight at New York Insight at 7 PM http://nyimc.org/index.php/site/event/book_signing_and_evening_talk/ Say hello if you come.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Book Signing for The Art of Flourishing

I will doing a Book Signing and Evening Talk:
The Art of Flourishing:
Insights from Buddhism and Psychoanalysis at New York Insight on Friday Sept. 16th from 7-9 PM: http://nyimc.org/index.php/site/event/book_signing_and_evening_talk/